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来源: 标签:侨联文化西雅图华盛顿 2017-12-06 09:27:26

科教网讯 由中华全国归国华侨联合会支持、湖南省侨联和湖南省演艺集团共同主办,美国华盛顿州湖南同乡会承办的“亲情中华·纯粹中国·魅力湖南”西雅图慰问演出于美国当地时间12月3日下午7:30在西雅图百老汇剧院举行。这也是美国华盛顿州历史上第一次由湖南籍演出团队独立制作的专场演出。整场演出融合杂技、民歌、武术、舞蹈、地方戏曲等多种艺术形式。《力与美》、《鬼谷神功》等特色表演夺人眼球,《刘海砍樵》、《洞庭鱼米乡》等颇具湖湘风韵的节目精彩纷呈。“侨心艺术团”走进美国,送上来自湖南人民的真情与祝福,促进海外华人、华侨对中国、对湖南的进一步了解,深化了对中华文化和湖湘文化的认同,架起两地人民世代友好、共同发展的金色桥梁。(文/王 欣  陈晓红)

Supported by China's National Returned Overseas Chinese Federation,Hunan Returned Overseas Federation and Hunan Association held a big performance at Broadway Theater at 7:30 on November 3rd for the “Love of China”,the Purity of China” and the “Charm of Hunan”. This was also the very first design and creation of Hunan speciality in the state of Washington. A combination of the most Chinese favorites like acrobats, folk songs, martial arts, and dances. “Power and Beauty”, “the Holly Kongfu in the Ghost Valley”,“Liu Hai Cutting Story” and “Harvest in Dongting Lake” were typical of Hunan flavors. The performing group was sending keep and sincere congratulations from Hunan to promote the keeper understanding of people in Hunan and recognition of Hunan culture, as well the everlasting friendship and further development on both sides of the Pacific Ocean.(Article/    Wang Xin  Chen Xiaohong)




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