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北航 Explore the Materials——From an Atom to a Device 走进材料——从原子到器件 全球热点

2023-05-26 11:17:33    来源:哔哩哔哩


Chapter 2 Metals and Alloys

1. 单选(2分)

‍Metallic materials are mostly ______ in nature. 


‍A. non-crystalline

B. pure metal

C. crystalline

D. amorphous

2. 单选(2分)

‎Based on the 3-dimensional configurations of atoms in crystals, all the crystal lattice structures can be classified as _______ crystal systems and ______ Bravais lattice system.

A. seven, fourteen

B. four, seven

C. four, seventeen

D. fourteen, seven

3. 单选(2分)

‍As indicated in following figure, the crystal plane in the cubic cell could be written as _____. 

‎A. (101)

B. (110)

C. (111)

D. (011)

4. 单选(2分)

‌Steel is actually an alloy of _____ and _____. 

‍A. iron, carbon

B. copper, tin

C. iron, copper

D. iron, tin

5. 单选(2分)

‌Which one is not the typical property of metallic materials?

‍A. solid at room temperature

B. ductile

C. good electrical and thermal conductors

D. brittle

6. 多选(3分)

‍Because of the strong bonding, metallic materials usually have high packing density. Typical lattice structures of metals include _____, _____ and _____ structure. 

‌A. body-centered cubic

B. primitive cubic

C. face-centered cubic

D. hexagonal close-paced structure

7. 判断(2分)

‍An alloy phase diagram is a graphical representation to show the relationships between the various phases that appear within the system under equilibrium conditions. In a phase diagram, usually composition is plotted on the x-axis and pressure is plotted on the y-axis.







